Sports Around the World: 10/10-10/16



Here’s this week’s update on sports around the world






Continuing tradition, the White House welcomed members of Team USA to celebrate their representation of our nation at the 2016 Rio games.  No, Ryan Lochte wasn’t invited.

In addition to hosting the athletes, Obama ended the ‘Victory Tax’ charged to athlete’s for their prize money and the value of their medals, with some exceptions, like for Michael Phelps.  No really.

Check out the video from Team USA’s White House visit.  At first glance, I thought this video was of Canadian Mounty’s.



Italy has officially withdrawn it’s bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.  Budapest, Los Angeles, and Paris are still competing to host the games.  Paris is addressing security concerns head on and stressing that they can host safe and secure games. Meanwhile, Los Angeles has passed a bill to setup a trust fund for the upcoming games, which will have 250,000,000 to cover budget overages.


USA Fencing has been blowing up Princess Nicole’s inbox with updates from the North American Cup in Detroit.

If you have thought about picking up a sport later in life…this just might be the one for you.



The head of Russia’s Olympic Committee has stepped down.

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